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Wedding photography

About Me

Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography

Now that you have found your way here, I am going to let my guard down and tell you about the steps that led me to becoming a photographer and moving to London. That's why you're here, right?

I grew up in Germany, near Berlin. I finished high school with a sassy wave goodbye to my teachers and some okay grades. Those grades were decent enough to get me into the International University of Bad Honnef where I started studying to become an aviation manager. However, at that time I didn't have the drive and focus to sit down and apply myself to the course. This was mainly because the idea of pursuing photography as a profession had been stuck in the back of my head since coming back from New Zealand after a gap year. I fell in love with capturing the beautiful landscapes of New Zealand and the amazing people I met there too and I couldn’t shake it off. So, much to my family’s frustration, I decided to break off my aviation management course after the first year and applied for a photography degree at a University. To my surprise, I got accepted into the course but ended up making a last-minute U-turn due to discouragement from family and friends. They had very sensible worries about whether it was possible to make a living as a photographer and whether I would have a  regular income (now they all know better!)

Instead of listening to my calling, I eventually started a 2 and a half year apprenticeship as an event manager at an agency in Berlin. I worked on some amazing events with thousands of guests and learned some fantastic skills (which I got to dust off and use at my wedding in 2023!) but mainly I spent the apprenticeship wondering how I could get some time off to pursue photography on the side.

Whenever I had a free weekend - a rarity as most of the events were scheduled Friday to Sunday - I spent it learning the ins and outs of my camera, figuring out how best to work with light and shadow, and puzzling over whether an Adobe subscription would be worth getting. Rather quickly, my vacations started turning into little photo trips and my equipment got an annual upgrade to keep up with my self-taught skills. My network started appreciating the quality of my work and the first photo shoots started rolling in - the perfect training!

I finally opened my photography business in 2017, whilst still working as an event manager. Slowly, my side hustle became a great income source and I saw how powerful a great network can be. Eventually, Berlin and I had a rather rough break-up, a product of growing up nearby and spending too many weekends working. I decided that this wasn't the place for me anymore and started thinking about where I could move to.

I experienced love at first sight with Scotland in 2016, where I had the most amazing two-week trip and I couldn't let go of the idea of actually living there. Eventually, 2 days before the initial Brexit date in March 2019, I took a £9.99 RyanAir flight to Edinburgh and emigrated to Scotland. I had an address in my phone, and 40kg of luggage - almost half of that weight was my camera equipment!

My years in Scotland were the most wonderful in my life up to that point. I made a living through child care and photography and this enabled me to go on weekend trips to explore the beauty of the Highlands and beyond. I had never felt so free in my life... up until lockdown restricted me to a 5-mile radius. Suddenly meeting new people through Instagram and going on hikes to the top of Scottish munros was no more and I was bound to stay in one place. Thankfully, I was already living in a beautiful area of the country during the lockdowns at the mouth of the River Tay, Scotland’s largest river. I learned to read the weather on the Tay and its surroundings and started a sunset photography series. The sunsets in the summer of 2020 were just stunning, maybe because the world stopped to watch? Over that time I developed a deep love for my tiny home-town of Newport-on-Tay and its people.

Eventually, lockdown restrictions lifted slightly and I returned to meeting strangers from the internet again. I wasn’t expecting to meet my soulmate during those rather strange times when the UK was still going in and out of lockdowns. We were so lucky that people left household “bubbles” (they were a thing back then in Scotland) to make way for our journey.

One year later and 3 months pregnant, I found myself packing my bags again and embarking on a new adventure in London. The pandemic was almost over and Alasdair was recalled to London where we started preparing for our new life as a soon-to-be family of 3.

Kaspar joined us in the summer of 2022 and my life evolved around changing nappies, feeding, and trying to get some sleep whenever I could. Photography was put on hold but fully resumed in spring 2023. Not only did I find my feet in the industry again, but I also had to plan a wedding - my own!

Combining all the skills I had learned in my life so far, we experienced the best day ever possible, and even if I could, I wouldn't change a single thing apart from being able to relive it all over again.

How is the image in your head forming so far? Need a little more detail? If so, take a look at some impressions of my life. Thank you for reading, I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Sincerely, Verena



My favourite animals are highland cows.


I hate olives but love olive oil.


I have to eat my favourite chocolate bar (snickers) in secret because my husband is allergic to nuts.


Thrillers and horror movies are not my thing.


I'm a massive LP fan and could listen to her music every day.


I own an unreasanable amount of jackets.


Dancing in the kitchen is one of my favourite things to do with my son.


I love the mountains but can't see myself living near them. Near a beach is where I feel home.


For 10 years I believed the wrong diagnosis of having an extra vertebrae in my spine.


I am one of 86.600 photographers and audio-visual operators in the UK.

"Remember Tomorrow Photography"


My photography business is the result of after-hours work spent learning new photography skills, free photoshoots with family and friends, and encouragement from the right people who helped me build my confidence. After 6 years in the industry, I can finally say that "Remember Tomorrow Photography" is at the level that I had always aimed for. However, the business wouldn't be where it is today without the kind publication permissions of all my wonderful clients. I hope to work with all of you again in the future and thank you for the trust you have given me so far.


Remember Tomorrow Photography got a complete makeover at the end of 2023 with the help of the incredible Graphic Designer Charis Neumann ( Charis created a new logo for Remember Tomorrow and completely overhauled my brand design. Every colour, every font, and every graphic you see on my website and social media has been developed with Charis - Thank you!


"Memories fade, photographs are timeless" - is probably the main mantra that photographs live by. As a result. A lot of photographers have the same selling strategy and this makes it hard for potential clients to see the differences between photographers. My unique selling point is my character and how I make my clients feel when they work with me. Results are just as important as making sure that my clients are comfortable and happy during our photo sessions. Getting photos taken for personal or professional use should be a positive, memorable experience instead of something that you should be anxious about.

Please get in touch for your very own Remember Tomorrow Experience!

Thank you very much for your interest and I hope to hear from you soon,


Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography

@2024 Verena Wood | Remember Tomorrow Photography

Wedding photography
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